Profile banner for riotgamesoce



The official Riot Games Twitch channel for Oceania! Check out and catch up on all your Oceanic League of Legends, Valorant and Teamfight Tactics!

Panel Content
[Want to play in the next open qualifiers tournament for TFT OCE?]( [Caster Angora]( [Caster Boogiezone]( [Caster Tamura]( [Broadcaster Shanni]( [Producer Sebbie](
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[LoL Esports]( [LCO VODS]( [LCO Twitter]( [LCO Facebook]( [LCO Twitch]( [Old OPL VODS](
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[VOT Website]( [LPL Twitch]( [LPL Twitter](
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Chat Rules

Racism, sexism, or discrimination of any kind will result in a permanent chat ban.