


Hi! Im Numbers, I'm a girl that likes speedruning retro games, 1cc, 2 player 1 controller & deathless playthroughs! I write guides and articles of videogames, and I paint on mario paint with my mouse!

I am Numbers! [JAN 19/1994] I am spanish but I currently live in Sweden with my other speedrun half [Fred__](https://www.twitch.tv/fred__). Retro games are my childhood, I used to play them with my brother and I always thought I was bad at videogames until I tried harder. I speedrun games and 1cc attempts. I write guides and articles about games with GIFs for beginner players, very visual and very easy strategies made by me. I also paint on mario paint for the SNES with my mouse!! You can check all my content in my webpage: [09419018 WEBSITE](https://cvq94exj0b.wixsite.com/09419018) [Speedrun.com](https://www.speedrun.com/user/09419018)


I started drawing on mario paint in 2020, I always liked to draw but I never thought I drew very good, and I wanted to be more creative and draw something more unique that would suit the art I can make, and Mario paint was my childhood. I draw them with my mouse!
You can check all my content in my website: [09419018 WEBSITE](https://cvq94exj0b.wixsite.com/09419018) [Speedrun.com](https://www.speedrun.com/user/09419018) #MARIO PAINT [Images](https://cvq94exj0b.wixsite.com/09419018) [Speedpainting videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKB0fAmO-32CKAKL35Rw_SOJWcngcjiig) #GUIDES [INDEX](https://cvq94exj0b.wixsite.com/09419018) + [Megaman X](https://cvq94exj0b.wixsite.com/09419018/copy-of-dracula-guide) + [Ghouls 'n ghosts (GENESIS/MEGADRIVE)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eypUNiWajk3xzC_PBRRmMyj5TKUC9pmoKzuoNeyu_Vk) + [Ghosts n' Goblins (NES)](https://09419018.github.io/ghostgoblins/ghostgoblins.html) + [Gradius III (SNES)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MyosaqEh19OK_SEIJWBDvVVC30ik1Nx4NXsZMSAcqm4/edit?usp=sharing) + [Parodius DA! (SNES)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10AO65FrmaKedWc5YAEsuQIZiuPBTrAfGDehXTOC36tg/edit?usp=sharing) + [Castlevania dracula X (SNES)](https://cvq94exj0b.wixsite.com/09419018/dracula-guide) + [Wild Guns (SNES)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1egsoKxGDAdoEpPxDDbfAdZrAnobEV2ekTTiwaasUMmk/edit?usp=sharing) + [Goof troop (SNES)](https://09419018.github.io/gooftroop/gooftroop.html) **BIT ALERTS** **5 bits** - Random tilted numbers **6 Bits** - Random happy Numbers
All my socials! [MY WEBSITE](https://cvq94exj0b.wixsite.com/09419018) [Speedrun.com](https://www.speedrun.com/user/09419018) [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx-OI7hNRsufJG2VIVvs29Q/featured) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/N09419018) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/n09419018/) [Discord](https://discord.gg/BAJ8ZHbsvn) #BIT ALERTS **5 bits** - Random tilted numbers **6 Bits** - Random happy Numbers
Fill our fridge please or help me stay out of jail with your contribution. Best donator: **Damperor & Sitar** Thanks Damperor. Love you Damperor, but Sitar is catching up. Love you Sitar. [Donate here](https://streamlabs.com/09419018/tip)