Profile banner for 0llar



I stream chill, indie games in Spanish and Engl-ish.

🧉 About the streamer

I'm Ollar, I'm 30 years old. I live in Buenos Aires. I'm a web/graphic designer and a wannabe artist. I like surrealism, puzzles, and caffeine. My mother tongue is Spanish so these streams are a way for me to practice English and talk to strangers on the internet. I aim to create a chill, inclusive and comfortable environment for everyone so don't be afraid of saying hi 😊 >I own a ferocious cat named [Linda]( 😾

🌿 What can I watch?

I focus on playing indie games made by Hispanic developers since I think there's a lack of representation in the gaming community. Also, expect design streams from time to time. >[**Completed Games ✅**](

💎 Donations

Use **[Paypal](** to donate with any currency. **[Invitame un Cafecito ☕](** si sos de Argentina >*Donations aren't necessary but very appreciated. All donations are non-refundable.*

⚖️ Rules

- Transphobic, homophobic, racist, sexist, or any malicious comments towards anyone will not be tolerated. - I don't have panels on purpose. If I needed a design, I'd make it myself. - Game and song suggestions are more than welcome but don't expect me to like them. >*Rules are meant to be broken. Not these ones though.*