


Bad jokes, worse game play. Come chill. Monday - Friday. Weekends are up in the air.

- me -

>- I'm 3volver. I'm always playing a game so I figured I'd do it here. >- I'm typically on around 8pm EST, no Mondays or Wednesdays >- Everyone is welcome, follow if you'd like to. Or just creep from behind the bushes. Whatever you're comfortable with.

- streamed games -


- emotes/overlays/alerts -

>- All my stuff is made by me. Otherwise will be specified here.

- specific cheer notifications -

>- tts on 100+ >- 33 - fornicator >- 50 - mvc >- 69 - nice >- 96 - ecin >- 100 - nic cage >- 101 to 199 - YOU DIED (add your own text) >- 200 - ganon peewee >- 300 - stick figure burn >- 333 - this game is ass >- 400 - dr zaius kombat >- 500 - clown pills >- 1000 - soul calibur 1 ride >- 2000 - soul calibur 2 ride >- 3000 - soul calibur 3 ride >- 4000 - soul calibur 4 ride >- 5000 - soul calibur 5 ride >- 6000 - soul calibur 6 ride >- 10,000 - boneitis

- commands -

>-!50k >-!blind >-!bosses >-!cursed >-!games >-!puzzle >-!socials >-!sounds >-!sudoku

- support -

Subs and Bits are a way of supporting me directly :) Your money goes towards the games I play on stream and the equipment I use to stream