Imagine de profil pentru 666nevermore

205 urmăritori


VENETO pazzo in culo e designer, gioco al cazzo che mi va e giuro non sono tossico :) ATTENZIONE!!! umorismo borderline, non passate neanche se siete dei perbenisti / moralisti / normie itas ma soprattutto BOOMER. Sciò

Conținut panou
On YouTube you will find my guides and my highlights. Be sure to give it a look, I do invest a lot of energies in that
Conținut panou
Italian player competitive af, who takes little time to learn and grind games. Important thing to know: my sense of humor is quite on the edge so don't expect to find a polite talking guy here. I also play drums for a progressive metal band, I've just finished my degree in design in Venice, and I occasionally enjoy some chess if u want to challenge me (i'm kinda low/average player).
Conținut panou
!porcodio !dota !prez !millo !hard !smurf
Conținut panou
If i ever get anything out of it I will invest in improving the quality of the stream. First of the list will be webcam for sure :'>