


My name is Alex. I make music as 7 Minutes Dead and did some tunes as Orbiter along with the amazing Stephen Walking and Chris James. I made some amazing songs with Varien. I stream games here, and *sometimes* makin tunes. I might do some warm-up singing when we chill, if you can stomach it hahaha.

My name is Alex

[My tunes on Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/artist/6MXp12IK29WvwsSbj5j49p?si=xGSV3FAjQYyaxvb8kRCmEg) People know me as 7 Minutes Dead. I make music!

Gimme Tip

[Click to sustain me!](https://streamlabs.com/7minutesdead) If the notification doesn't show up on stream for some reason, let me know in chat! I'll read it out manually using the power of our throats.