Баннер профиля для a1_twins

3,8 тыс. фолловера


Some New Mexico twins just playing games and having a good time. We like to bring both energy and positivity so be sure to stick around and join us. Feel free to ask any "twin" questions you may have. We stream together whenever work allows it. If not then catch us playing some solo games too!

Содержимое панели
100% of all donations go towards helping improve the stream!
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Содержимое панели
Any subscribers not only earn our undying love, but they also get a spin on the wheel! I know... Now you're intrigued. Well all you have to do is subscribe and see what happens! We love our Subs and we always appreciate the support.


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[Twin 1's Twitter Page](https://twitter.com/SSBMtwin1) [Twin A's Twitter Page](https://twitter.com/TwinA505)


Содержимое панели
Please be sure to subscribe and all feedback is welcome!