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First of all, I'm a try hard, its the Halo competive side that never left. Retired Halo Pro, #1 Splitgate Player Worldwide (2nd Twitch Rivals), Apex Lord. Been streaming on & Twitch since 2006. Switched to M&K in 2021 and have not looked back. My specialities are FPS games.

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FOCUS is Rated #1 at Improving Focus & Concentration:Use !focus or !Advanced in chat for more info<3
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Any donation is super appreciated, I do this for the enjoyment of the game and for you! But If you donate please leave a message so I can read it on stream! Donations are non-refundable and it is not 100% for sure they will be read/done on stream! I do my best to read them all! Legal: There are no products or services rendered or exchanged for your donations. By donating, you agree to not chargeback/refund any donations made and are the rightful owner of the funds being donated. You are paying for a virtual product and not covered with buyer protection. All donations are final.
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Why subscribe? This is my full time gig so anything helps. This is my passion and have a love for the game. $5/month to help support the stream! Immune to slow mode Sub-only chat (when enabled) Awesome Emotes/Badges Subscribe if you truly do enjoy my stream and want to continue to support me living out my dream. If you are unable to and can't afford it; no sweat! These are simply perks that people who invest in me will be able to receive however I appreciate anyone and everyone that comes to my stream!
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1: Please ask before you post a link, ask a mod if I, myself do not respond to you. (Must not be spam.) 2: Please no spamming of caps or anything in general. I'll let you know when you're getting out of line. 3: Please be respectful of other chatters, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and remember it's just that. 4: Please use english. I don't have a problem with other cultures, it's just to help myself and other chatters as well understand you. 5: Don't ask to be mod. I don't mod everyone who comes into my channel, nothing against you, but if the time is right then you'll know. 6: Please don't tell me what game to play. There's plenty of times I'll be asking you, the audience, what you would like to see, so just be patient. 7: Let me know who you are if you decide to add me on any Online Console. Not everyone has the same name as in chat. 8: There's no mature rating content on this page. So be aware of the other chatters, when the room is busy. 9: Don't be afraid to socialize :D