Profile banner for acapellawolf



No schedule yet, let's see how it goes this time around. Geek from Yorkshire, now living in Berlin. Usually found making acapella covers of songs using Ableton (looping software). A geek and a singer through and through. When I'm live you can mess with my lights!

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Hi all, I'm Martyn, originally from the UK, now a Berliner. No regular stream times, not sure I am "back" yet, but let's see how it goes. I get a little obsessed with Hidden traitor board/card games like Werewolf (hence the wolf who sings), the Resistance or Battlestar Galactica. Still having a hard time getting to grips with labels such as "streamer", "content creator" and "artist"! I used to stream almost exclusively Twitch Sings because yes, I'm a singer, not in any bands or choirs at the minute, but I do love to sing. If I game it'll be games like Elder Scrolls Online, Dragon Age, Witcher etc. I might also run through some of my presentations on DevOps or Maker topics because, why not? Current schedule : - Monday: Acapella loop covers
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* English only in chat please, I'm learning German and will sometimes practice on stream, but for the sake of anyone else in the chat, let's stick to English there. * Just be nice, and don't make me use the anti-spam bots!
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* !songlist or !sl - What songs can I sing acapella loop style * !songqueue - link to the song queue so you can see what's upcoming * !songrequest or !sr - request a song from the songlist * !restart - If I restart a song when I'm streaming, feel free to type this to remind me how much of a perfectionist I'm being. * !uptime - Yeah, everyone has this but it's there * !hug {{user}} - Share the love. * !discord - Get the link, it's a lovely quiet place and I ping when I go live. * !raid - Raid message for end of stream * !spotifyplaylist - Link to [the site I made]( to compare spotify playlists with the twitch sings song list. * !lights blue - set my backround light to blue for 30 seconds (1m cooldown on this command) (almost any colour works) * !lightsfade blue red - set my backround light to a fade from blue to red for 30 seconds (1m cooldown on this command) (almost any two colours work)
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I opted out of mainstream social media a long time ago but I accept that streamers have to have it so... * twitter - the obvious one - I'll pretty much just post when I go live here or retweet other streamers - [@acapellawolf]( * mastodon/fediverse - This is where I migrated to when I finally ditched my personal twitter. It's kinda a decentralised twitter, with some differences - []( * discords - I'm on way too many, but of course I have one for my streaming stuff, with notifications when I go live - [](