Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho aclockworkamber

207 người theo dõi


Prepare for absolute chaos. I love to game, I can either play very chilled cute games or horror games, I am a variety streamer but play whatever i fancy. I am not the best gamer, seriously, i'm awful, its funny. I play for fun not competitively. Schedule: Tues, Thurs, Sat & Sun sometimes between

Stream Team

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I am a proud member of the night-breed collective, a supportive community for streamers :)


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Follow me on instagram if you like pictures of food and nerdy things!


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Tips are not expected at all, but are ALWAYS appreciated, tips mean I can devote my time to streaming more and upgrade my equipment, so thank you, so, so, much. You are so loved and appreciated by me, without the tips :)


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Follow me on twitter for stream updates and going live updates!