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I'm just a bounty hunter trying to make my way in the universe.

Conteúdo do Painel

My Battlestation

OS: fedora 29/win 10/manjaro 18 DE: KDE CPU: Intel i7 950 (8) @ 3.060GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 RAM: 24GB


Hello, Just trying to have some fun while playing games. I mostly play on linux but, sometimes I jump on win depending on the game. I work in IT so love to talk about technology, how to get better and how to go places. Talk about job experiences and how we can do better. Linux Penguin is awesome. [Twitter](https://twitter.com/jlozadadd) [Blog](https://jlozadad.io/) [Opensource.com(https://opensource.com/users/jlozadad)