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Here to play cool games and share funni laughs. Come grab your gamer juice and lets game.

Steam wishlist

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If you would like to directly contribute to the games I play on stream, here are some games I think are neat and could be fun. Thanks so much!

Don't click this one

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# Hi, I'm the queen bee of this hive. * I like to play many different types of games due to my short attention span. * I primarily love playing roguelikes and strange indie games that you've probably never heard of. * Our goal here is to have a silly time and have a place where people can be comfortable. #* I stream everyday 10pm MST


I only have 3 main rules 1. Stay Classy 2. Respect for EVERYONE 3. No Links/Advertising


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Please follow and join to receive the latest notifications for when i'll be streaming! Discord:

The Art Bees

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#Art Credits 2D Exodia avatar: UKYD Spook emote: genesisfox Beecolas Cage emote: salembchcraft Beelewd emote: goodragoo Angbee emote: sunflowerscully Sub badges: RocTheSoulKeeper and fawnstellation Sub Music clip: justcallmefreeman Follower/Raid alerts: estheriscute Offline/Banner, Most emotes: fawnstellation