Баннер профиля для adirepanda

58 фолловеров


Endure and survive.

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You are obviously lost if you ended up here. I play games... all of them badly. :3
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42 reasons I suck. Let me count the ways. I have no aim. I can't stealth. I cannot fly to save my life. I am a barely functional driver. I can't kill with headshots. I get scared easily. I have slow reflexes. I use profanity freely. I am exceedingly talented at shooting silhouettes around people. I cannot do QTE. Aim Rank: Stormtrooper. I mostly fire warning shots. I am exceedingly talented at getting stuck. (list is in progress)
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Please be kind to each other and to me. Please use proper English. You can follow me on Instagram: @accordingtozombie
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Thank you for stopping by! I stream rather sporadically, so if you really want to come back to this gong show, you can follow me. ^_^ I do this for fun, so I do not accept donations.
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