Profile banner for adonwolfe



A run of the mill person really. I'm interest in many subjects not just gaming. Books, Movies, T.V., Anime/Manga, etc. I like to talk about any subject that I have interest in. I don't shy away from talking. I encourage it. What else is there then to talk to one another.

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-Hello and welcome to the stream! I'm a big fan of video games; as well as other form of media Comics, Movies, Books, Anime & Manga, Etc. I look forward to the conversation we have on stream. Over all, enjoy the content. -I'm a honest person. Don't be unreasonable with others. Even if they have views different to yours. We all can improve and grow. -I do like to play on the hardest difficulty available to me on games. I like the challenge. -Also as you can see my favorite color is Orange.
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-I've finally got the server up and running! This is a link to what will be a Hub for the followers, Subscribers, and Friends. Come over and join the server so you can stay in contact with me and ask me question or even just hang out. It's up to you. -Now has self-promotion! Feel free to share your own content!
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-I will stream on my days off or if I can after work. Keep an eye out for the streams. -I do games off a request list as well as games I want to get to. Will update on Discord what the plan is. -My time zone is Pacific Standard Time.
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-English. -Have a good demeanor in the the chat. -Have fun in the chat!
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-A donation is always worthwhile. It will help me to get better equipment or other needs to continue giving good content. The amount of donation is up to you. However remember, if you do donate, donations are not refundable.
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-Give me a Follow if you want! Follow at you're own discretion. Twitter can get pretty toxic!