862 người theo dõi


Hi, my name is AfroCole. I am a Game Designer, Writer and ProPlayer in Fighting Games. I love games and traveling to E-Sport events and Tech conventions.The AfroDojo has been resurrected! Now in Sunny Southern California!!! Much Love to WA, OR, Can. Team NW, the original AfroDojo Birthplace.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Hello friends, family and fans! My name is Jason "Afro" Cole! I am a total gamer! My whole life has revolved around gaming in some sort of way! I've been a pro player, a game developer, a game writer, a gaming league pioneer, game tester, you name it! So of course, here I am now in the ERA of E-sports ready to embrace change once again! I shall be bringing you lovely folks awesome gaming content & LOTS of Laughter from Pro Players, Cosplayers, Speed Runners, IRL story time moments and more!! So please say hi when you stop by! I promise to only bite in game! ^_^
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Follow me on Twitter to find out when I go live or what gaming event I will be at next!!! ^_^
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
My Instagram! Expect silly pics of Cons, Gaming events/tournaments and of course my very own stomping grounds "Vegas Gaming House"!!!
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Thank you for supporting the Vegas Gaming House! Every donation goes towards improving our setup and bringing you more content! ^_^
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 16GB DDR3 Ram ##STREAM SPECS StarTech HD capture card Xplit Logitec 970c
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
I follow the "Kill them with kindness" philosophy! Just be kind, this is a place for positive energy and lots of laughter! Negativity is the fastest way to get banned! ^_^ Do not upset NightBot!!!