Баннер профиля для agntorangex

443 фолловера


My names Dan, i mainly play apex, add me on origin AgntOrangeX and lets party


instead of paypal if youd like to donate to support the stream or to help me out in any way feel free to use cashapp. i find cash app easier to use personally. $agntorangex
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you want some good stuff??? click the pic or use the code Agentorange
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30 from illinois, currently addicted to apex trying to make something of myself
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if you haven't already check out swat nation! amazing people that put on some amazing tournaments!
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donations aren't required but greatly appreciated! im currently streaming through my xbox so any donations would be going towards me getting a capture card and making my streams better for all of you!
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feel free to follow me on instagram AgntOrangeX
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very simple. dont be toxic. its all about positivity and having a great time at my parties.
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been trying to stream every day but dont currently have a set schedule
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follow me on twitter for updates on when i go live