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An Orange a day keeps Cthulhu at bay

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Hello and welcome to the OrangeHorror Twitch channel! It's my pleasure to see you here! I'm a horror streamer who loves everything creepy. If I'm not playing something creepy I'm, either playing Soulsborne titles or Peggle. BASIC INFORMATION Name: Orange Age: 21 Non-Binary (They/Them) Check out this amazing vidoe from @knightoftheabyss1
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Join the Cult of the Orange! Here we believe that being weird is the best way to live, and that being normal is way to mundane. Be who ever you want to be, and don't let others chose your destiny. Join me as we explore different worlds, some scary, others delightful, all mysterious! Here the only flavor aid we'll be drinking is Orange juice flavor so you are in safe hands. Help spread positive vides, and make sure everyone feels good about their body cause we only get one!
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I'm not sure yet, still a work in progress :3
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Don't be an @$$ hole, no really it's that simple! I coudn't believe it either! The day I found out that all you had to do to be a decent human being was not to be an @$$ hole my mind was blown! If you are caught being an @$$ hole a.k.a being homophobic, sexist, racist, kink shaming, using language your mother would slap you for saying, spamming, self promotion, haevy back seat gaming or being an incel will result in my multiple nuns chasing after you and smacking you with thier rulers. So just don't be an @$$ hole, we goood? We gud.
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Subscribe to unlock my fantastic emotes, and watch my streams add free! At the moment we have 2 tier 1 emotes, a thicc tier 2 emote, and an other thicc tier 3 emote so get them while they're hot! Subscribing would support me in a really big way and would help unlock even more emote slots for all of you to enjoy!