Μπάνερ προφίλ για το κανάλι ahnubyss

6,1 χιλ. ακόλουθοι


Just that casual dude popping in all over the place

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18+ Twitter, better watch out KEKW!!
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This is the movement i've been wanting to start for a while, it's still new and I know I've got a lot of work to do. The whole theme is that we're all perfect as we are, even with the scars and insecurities we carry. The aim is to help bring that realisation to the world so we can all live our best lives. Image links to the Instagram, feel free to follow! Ahnubis.
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Chat : Be cool with each other and lets grow this community!! Obviously no Racism, Sexism or hate speech of any kind. Friends List : If I do add you to my friends list for activities involving the viewers, please do not abuse that right and spam invites or messages, also do not join my game in progress without asking first. Bans will come without warning and will not be rescinded.
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Head over to my website to see all the work i've done for clients in the past. (click the picture!) Always looking for solid opportunities to grow as a designer!
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Gamer. Streamer. Voice Over Artist. Graphics Designer. All about the community vibes and creating a space for people to come and unwind after life's troubles. Currently part-time at work to try and make content creation and voice over work a dream come true!
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Intel Core i7 9700K 32GB DDR4 8GB EVGA GTX 1070 SC 250GB SSD 1TB HDD Mic: Shure MV7 Vape: SMOK Mag 225W Cider Farms - Strawberry and Lime (Fav)
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Check out my insta!!
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Check out my Youtube for some Voice Over work!! Truly loving the experience of working with a dedicated and talented team to bring stories to life.
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A link to the production I have been working on with Devin McCamey, Brandon McCamey (Gammatrap) and LostAngel2K5. !!HORROR CONTAINED WITHIN!!