Profile banner for aislingriedsel



Streaming SKALD: Against the Black Priory with 12 viewers

Hi, my name is pronounced Ash-Lynn, and have 2 forms: Red hair = boy → Ash; Blue hair = girl → Lynn. I like to play horror games and other happier stuff like music, puzzles and story driven games. Welcome to my channel, I hope you enjoy your stay ♥

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# Welcome to my channel !! I'm 60% gamer, 10% programmer, 10% 3D modeler and 10% graphic designer. I got into streaming because I want to learn to talk to people (I'm that weird classmate that would sit at the corner and no one talks to, but when you do, they would just nod and smile then walk away....) yeah, I have 0 social skills, so I wanna learn some !! I myself am pretty much PG, but the same cannot be said of the games that I play (cue in horror games and GTAV and the like). I intend to play only games that I never played before and avoided spoilers (some times I might know a bit about the characters or the game genre, but most of the time I have no idea what I'm getting into). I have many, many plans for the stream, but I'm not gonna talk about them here, guess you will have to stick around to see *wink wink*.
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Di "Hola" para cambiarme a Aisling modo español. Back seating is always allowed, all I ask is no spoilers about story, characters, boss fights, how to solve the puzzles, items that I "need for later" or "oooh this is gonna be good" or anything that might spoil the surprises or challenges ahead. Other than that, just be nice to each other and avoid polemic topics of any kind. Lets just enjoy the game and the world that the developers made for us. And lastly but just as important, please don't make personal questions. You might think "Well, you can always decline to answer if it makes you so uncomfortable!" but the act of declining to answer such a "harmless" and honest question makes me very uncomfortable. = Es totalmente permitido decirme que hacer en el juego mientras que no me digas la solucion del nivel. Tampoco hables de personajes o eventos que aun no han pasado en el juego, ni hagas comentarios como "esta es la mejor parte" o cosas que arruinen la sorpresa de lo que va a pasar. Fuera de eso, se amable con los demas y no hables de cosas controversiales. Enfoquemonos en el juego y el mundo fantastico que los programadores han creado para nosotros. Y por ultimo pero no menos importante, no me preguntes datos personales. Talvez pienzes que si la pregunta me incomoda tanto, puedo simplemente rehusarme a contestar, pero el hecho de rehusarme es lo que me incomoda de sobremanera.
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I'm not the best, but I'm certainly above average when it comes to creating and personalizing Vroids, and I would like to offer my help to any future and current vTubers out there who are still in need of a good avatar. If you would like to commission an avatar from me, you will need to first join my discord so that you can read all the instructions so your request goes smoothly. But basically there are 2 options: * A free avatar for which you would 'pay' for with channel points. * Or the pay to win option in which you pay with real money. At the moment tho, I'm not taking paid commissions, I will once my work is actually worth paying for; at which point, I would only be taking 1 free and 1 paid commission at any given time. Commissions are first come-first serve. The time it takes me to finish an avatar, depends on the complexity and whether or not I will have to design stuff on my own. In other words, if you already have a design, it would go faster than if I have to do that too. Once again, join my discord and go to the Commissions to read the full details. == No soy una autoridad en diseño de Vroids, pero ciertamente soy mejor que la mayoria cuando se trata de aplicar diferentes tecnicas para personalizarlos. Mi proposito es ayudar a todos aquellos vTubers que necesitan un buen modelo para su stream. Si te intereza comisionarme a que te haga un avatar, primero tienes que unirte a mi discord para que puedas leer las instruciones completas y asi hacer tu pedido mas facilmente. Pero al final de cuentas, tienes 2 opciones: * Gratis, pero pagas con puntos del canal. * O pagando con dinero real. Al momento no estoy tomando comisiones por dinero, lo hare una vez que mi tecnica sea suficientemente buena que valga pagar por ella. Por ahora solo tomo comisiones gratis. Las comisiones seran otorgadas al primero que llegue y no habra lista de espera. El tiempo que me toma en terminar un avatar, depende mucho de su complejidad y de que si tengo que diseñar cosas yo o si ya las tienes diseñadas. Basicamente, si ya tienes un concepto, sera mas rapido a que si lo tengo que diseñar todo yo. Una vez mas, porfavor unete a mi discord para que puedas leer todas las instrucciones.
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!clipthat <- Creates a clip of the last 30 secs. !boolean <- Ask my bot something and he will answer with Yes or No. !getbonk <- Tells you how many bonks you gave me. !getpat <- Tells you how many pats you gave me. !first <- Type this to claim your place as the first person to arrive to the stream (or to type the command)
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Everything except music and sounds: Myself 2D Concept Art: [Ichi_Pomi]( Ending Music: [LEMMiNO]( BGM provided by Lofi Girl [Listen]( Cruel Ocean [Site](
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Please check [さあたん]( for translators.
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!micup -> Raise my mic's volume !micdown -> Lower my mic's volume !gameup -> Raise game's volume !gamedown -> Lower game's volume