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Husband/Father/Gamer: akaDread. Overflowing with genuine character- Been Gaming since SNES. Started playing online competitive in 2014. I look forward to meeting you during a stream!

Stream Intro

Welcome! I’m am so glad you’ve decided to join me and other viewers as we share time together playing some great games! Come join me on my genuinely entertaining play throughs and family friendly gaming sessions. We will laugh, get the feels, rock out, win, lose, and chat about the things that make you happy. The chat is super welcoming and I hope to be calling you a regular soon! ***What you are seeing here on this channel is a genuine gaming session that highly prioritizes chat interaction. Now don’t get the wrong idea, you silly goose; we get stuff done and play hard, but I want to get to know you and see you in the stream again! This channel is about awesome games (competitive or not), solid play-throughs with a welcoming social experience, and most importantly, YOU!
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Streamster Info

Mid acts Dispensationalist- Husband and father: akaDread, though gaming has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. I took a small break from gaming around 2010-2012 and returned to the gaming world equipped with internet access. I’m stoked to be back and sharing my gaming sessions with you! FAQ Name: You can call me David or Dread Location: Florida USA First game ever: Mario bros/ Duck hunt NES Who is LadyVvolf: Lady wolf is my wife! She joins me on multiplayer games often Who are the Pups: They are my children! They join me in fun child friendly games often! “Are you sarcastic?”: No, I am VERY VERY sincere! (And that wasn’t sarcasm….I mean it) What do you do for a living?: I'm a Baker for the best company on earth! “Will you play insert game here in a future stream?”: Dude, we will see! There’s so much I want to stream; so when the time comes, we will see what everyone wants to see and choose then! “are you wearing sweaty try hard pants?”: As a matter of fact….Yes…. and whenever I change games to something competitive I make sure that I am! What is Mid Acts Dispensationalist? This is a dispensational frame work in which to read the Bible. It's a literal interpretation in which Jesus wasn't talking to you. (JWTTY) I'm always happy to help you come to a better understanding of scripture so that you may come to the full assurance in the finished work of Christ. Just HMU


Basic chat etiquette is expected to be practiced. The Dreaded will not tolerate foolish trolling or disrespectful speech to Dread himself or other viewers. No Racial Slurs or sexual descriptions. No threats.

Who are The Dreaded?

The Dreaded is family. I Love them. They are the OG viewers and will not be forsaken.