Банер на профила за al_theholy

509 последователи


Dumb stream from a dumb guy. Dumb.

Da Rulez!

- Don't be an asshole. In-chat OR in-game. Seriously, alienating people is not cool. **ALL OF MY GUESTS ARE TO BE TREATED AS ROYALTY.** - **NO DRAMA** If I have to hear about it, heads will roll. Just don't. I'm sure the majority of my friends and regulars act in good faith. If you got a bone to pick, ask if it's you that has the problem or educate us, patiently. Attacking others only reinforces that YOU are an asshole, and everyone will be more inclined to hate you and not listen. - Swearing is fine *as long as it does not violate the any other rules.* - Discussing politics and religion and the such is not advised, *BUT starting flame wars over them IS DEFINITELY NOT welcome.* Didactic drilling of your damned dogma is dearly detested, don't do it, dood. I break this rule every now and then, so my bad. - If I am new to a game, don't help me until I ask for it. **Be wary**, however, I ask a lot of self-targeted hypotheticals. - If I am already familiar with what I am playing, you may offer **occasional** advice. I am still quite vexxed by backseat gaming! If I want help I will lead a sentence with "Okay, chat," or "Hey, chat!" - If I host or raid another person, **PLEASE don't act like an asshole in their chat either!** You **never have my permission** to be rude or vitrolic to anyone ever for any reason. - **PLAY NICE DAMMIT.** <3 That means practicing good online and social etiquette, don't be creepy, don't ask uncomfortable questions, don't ask for follows, and *definitely* don't ask to see anyone's face. We show them when we want. -JUST FUCKING GET ALONG, GOD DAMMIT. I am so sick of drama and bullshit. I just wanna have a stream where I can unwind and share what I love with others, hang out with friends, and not have to worry about stupid garbage. BE DECENT TO EACH OTHER.

About Me?

Nobody really gets anything out of my joke description, so I am revising it. The name is **AL**. It is short for Albert. I love retro games, and I have a passion for video games in general. I'm always on the lookout for new and exciting experiences. I have **[a decent collection to showcase](https://backloggery.com/AL_TheHoly),** and I'm always trying to stream at the best possible quality with my restrictions in mind. Favorite Genres of games are Action, Adventure, Puzzle, Shoot 'em Ups, Fighting, and as of late, Roguelike. This will fluctuate a decent amount. I am super picky about the games I play, and am also REALLY unimpressed by the vast majority of new games coming out from AAA game devs and publishers. (But that **doesn't** mean I don't play anything new, just most things) If I express some disdain for your favorites, please understand that I have my reasons. Feel free to ask what they are. (I am also unusually stubborn, please forgive me.) **I am a foul mouthed, generally disgruntled dood when I play,** so I hope I don't offend you with my anger, immaturity, or malaise. (Or any combination of the 3)

Retro Games, now with 90% more real hardware!

So, **I really like to stream old stuff using real hardware,** I run it all in the clearest video format I can manage if I have the means to. (Although admittedly I have been hard at work on my backlog for the past 2 years.) Expect to see **Genesis** streams with the occasional **Nes, Snes, Gamecube, PS1, PS2, Saturn,** and whatever else I can scrounge up. **[My List of Games](https://backloggery.com/AL_TheHoly)** **UPDATED 2/14/21** If I do stream emulation, it will be for **very specific reasons,** either the software works better in most every way, the old hardware is not feasible, or something else. I promise I will do my best to always stream games I own a physical copy of. Lastly **if you have a game on mind that you would like to see from my list of games, you may ask for me to show them on stream, if there is a game I can easily acquire that you want me to try, let me know!**

NightBot Supported Channel

**[!commands](https://beta.nightbot.tv/t/al_theholy/commands)** to see all my commands on a URL! Here are some commands I hope you can enjoy !gamelist !disc !uptime !quote !addquote

Social Media BS

**[My Twitter](https://twitter.com/ALTheHoly)** I'm not much for social media nonsense, but I thought maybe it would be a decent idea to use it as a platform for letting everyone know when I am live.

I have Emotes now

After several viewers so kindly subscribed to me, I finally decided it would be prudent to make emotes. althehPogo is an emote made for me by the charitable and lovely **[SpyroShurtagul](https://www.twitch.tv/spyroshurtagul)**. Please follow her and show her some support! Thank you to the charitable **[@MothCharm](https://twitter.com/mothcharm)** on twitter for lending everyone the ability to use their emotes for free! Perhaps it would be nice to support them too, yeah?

More Awesome Streamers you should watch rather than me

Seriously, I love these guys and you will too, they are much more entertaining. [LittlePuppy](https://www.twitch.tv/littlepuppy009) [BombchuBunny](https://www.twitch.tv/bombchubunny) [Cypherin](https://www.twitch.tv/cypherin) [Bazookya](https://www.twitch.tv/bazookya) [Chibiki](https://www.twitch.tv/chibiki)

Discord: Playing, Improving, Enjoying

Hey, I have a [Discord Channel](https://discord.gg/Rdx3Fc9) that I set up, so if y'all wanna hang out on it and play games or chat, that is all fine. Just follow the rules and don't make me regret opening it to the public, please.

Donations link available, but don't do it

[I appreciate you all no matter what, there is no need to give me anything](https://streamlabs.com/al_theholy)