Profile banner for alaskanemily



Programmer, gamer, speedrunner, Alaskan

Do you have a Discard?

[What the FART is a discard?](


I'm Alaskan Emily and I play games.



What is this I don't even

Q: Where are you from? A: Alaska Q: What is your name? A: Emily Q: Is this on emulator? A: Get out of here with that emulator poison you spit at me. Q: Is this on VC? A: VC is just emulator, which is bad. Q: What kind of capture card do you use? A: A very, very old one.

Games, PBs, WRs, etc

GAMES ------- [The Pronoun Game, Pride Game Jam 2020]( [Just Right, Halloween Game Jam Game 2018]( PBs and WRs ----------- [Clockwork Knight Former WR 17:20](