Profile banner for alchemutation



To me, music, photography and video bridge the gaps between art, science, nature, humanity and storytelling. I don’t just play songs, take pictures or shoot videos. I infuse everything I create with an incredible element. My spirit. No one does what I do like I do it. That's Alchemutation.

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1. No hate, bullying, racism, sexism, negativity or any other form of toxicity. 2. ABSOLUTELY NO SOLICITATION! 3. Respect each other and yourselves, this is meant to be a safe place. 4. Do not post links or images that promote other streamers, are pornographic in nature or of malicious intent. 5. Have a good time, because that's what we're here for. Share the love. 6. No political or religious soapboxing. 7. Swearing is allowed for the sake of expression but don't be vulgar. 8. Be excellent to each other and to me. 9. To be here you agree with the following: "By engaging in chat, I hereby swear I am 21+. As such I will never say my age if under 21, whether or not it is the truth. In accordance with the Twitch terms of service, I agree to be banned if anything I say contradicts these statements." Violation of these rules will result in a ban so fast it'll make your head spin. No joke.