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Paper, glue, stickers, scissors, gadgets and glitter.. what else does a girl need? Come join the closet chaos & see how many times I drop things or wander off track while Scrapbooking. I work crazy hours, and have a family who needs my attention now and again, but a girl has gotta craft.

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Love scrapbooking, gaming and trying out new things without reading instructions. I am a wife and a mom. I love papercrafting and can relax just by cutting and gluing paper all day.
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Follow to find out when I am online.
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Proof of true fails. Be free and do you. In crafting there are no mistakes, just unique creations.
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Please join me in Discord! - You don't have to be crazy to work here. - We'll train you.
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Currently I work, renovate my house, and hang out with my wonderful husband and daughter. I will be streaming at least once a week but will try for more. Thank you all for your support!
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Team: The Creative Kingdom
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You have something fun you want me to show on stream, or a new gadget you want me to try, or maybe just a fun card to read? Please send to: 1040 Prospect Street P.O.Box 30088 Prospect Plaza Fredericton N.B. Canada E3B 0H8