

hi! i am new streamer. i like to battle people in dark souls ❤️

hi! i am aloofbit currently I like to battle in dark souls 3. Outside I like computer coding, being comfy, and jumping ramps on my bicycle! i have a cat named criminal she is very soft and likes to sleep on the desk. ty for watching stream


**warning!** i recently moved and be busy with work on house and real life project I apologize for bumpy schedule :( i very like streaming and am trying my best to fit in around work/personal projects. I would like to stream nights monday, wednesday, and friday. Then want to maybe try a day time stream on weekend. > **Monday**: 9pm - 1am ([CST](https://time.is/CST)) > **Wednesday**: 9pm - 1am ([CST](https://time.is/CST)) > **Friday**: 9pm - 1am ([CST](https://time.is/CST)) > **Sat/Sun**: TBD!

pvp help

if you are a new player i make a steam guide to help fight invader! [Part 1: What is an invader?](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2304744381,) [Part 2: Why are invaders so strong?](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2306866874) [Part 3: Making a PvP Build](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2318543054)