Profile banner for amazingsully



Canadian software developer living in England. Tend to stream retro games and RPGs, but transitioning to game dev and currently streaming that transition.

A Little About Your Streamer

Please call me Sully... the 'Amazing' is implied ;). I am a software developer from Canada living in England and I have a passion for gaming and streaming in general. The response I've received from viewers on Twitch has been absolutely amazing and I appreciate all of the connections I have been able to make because of this. I thank you all for your amazing support <3. I started streaming back in early 2013, but then I started working a lot, and so now I only stream on Wednesdays when I find I have the energy and desire to do so. I have a preference for JRPGs, but with the current inconsistency of streams they aren't really viable to stream, so you'll find me playing games that can be consumed easily.

What is the GameDev Project?

I have wanted to get into game dev for a while now, but I also need to eat, and maintaining a day job alongside game dev isn't feasible for me. I figured I would use streaming as a means to stay motivated, build interest, and help support me in my journey. The idea for the game is a JRPG inspired off Suikoden, Chrono Trigger, and the many other JRPGs I loved growing up. I want to make something reminiscient of that golden SNES/PSX age of JRPGs that the industry seems to have abandoned. You can view the game's whiteboard [here]( It's where I will be sticking any ideas/plans I have for the game, so if you have suggestions let me know and we'll work at getting them implemented.

How to Support the Stream

- Watch and chat! Simply being here and keeping me company is the most impactful thing you can do. Streaming is really hard with an inactive chat, and you guys make it so much more fun. On top of that too, an active and engaged community is going to draw new people in. - I am a Humble Partner, and any purchase made on Humble Bundle supports me if you use the links in the Humble Partner section of this page. - I am an Epic Content Creator, and I will receive 10% of any purchase made through Epic when you provide the Creator Tag "AmazingSully" (this includes in-game purchases). - I'd also be honoured if you decided I was worthy of your Amazon Prime sub. I know the emotes are lacking, but promise I'm working on them.


Panel Content
While every donation is appreciated, I have a good job that pays very well. Before you donate I want you to ask yourself, "Does Sully deserve my money more than I do?". If the answer to that question is "no" (or likely "Fuck no!"), then please don't donate. If you wish to donate you can via [Streamlabs]( Also check out the "How to Support the Stream" panel.

Humble Partner

Panel Content
I am a Humble Partner, and any purchase made on Humble Bundle supports me if you use [this link](, or click on the image above. When making your purchase you can also choose how much of your purchase goes to me by clicking the "Adjust Donation" panel (or "Choose where your money goes" button on some screens), selecting "Custom Amount", and adjusting the sliders. You'll know that the link worked if you see either a blue bar at the top of the screen that says "Thank you for supporting AmazingSully" or you'll see the "AmazingSully" slider when adjusting your donation.

What Does Sully Play?

#Currently Playing - Creating my first game in Godot - Not currently streaming games, but may get back to it. [Spreadsheet of games completed on stream](