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I do many things well, none of which generate income.

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I am a something, something year old female artist/gamer from New York City. Although my regular job is in retail my fun job is Senior Editor and Creative Director for []( I have been playing video games since the Atari 2600 and will probably play video games till I'm old and decrepit! I mainly play on a PlayStation system (3, 4 or 5) and I play different types of games (except most RPG's and MMO's) and hope to stream as many entertaining games as possible. I love to co-cast with my friend and partner in crimez, Pimpsc00by, and we make up 'Ladies Night Foreva'! We play co-op/multiplayer games together and enjoy the foolishness that ensues. You can catch her at I'm a pretty friendly and chill person and that's how I like to run my casts. I love talking with viewers so make sure to say "hi" in the chat. (shout out to the lurkers!)
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I have Nightbot in chat so he takes care of most of common annoyances (links, character spamming, all caps spam) but here are some of my other stipulations: + **No haterade** - any all out blatant racism, sexism, ageism, console-ism, you're done! If I or my mods don't like it - it's a time out then a ban, no discussion! + **No backseat gaming** - there will be moments where I will ask for help if I get really stuck and in that moment then chat can help me, but until then please don't assist me. Also no spoilers for games I haven't played. + **Don't ask for mod** - I have mods that for the most part I either know IRL or have known on the interwebz for a while so they are people I trust to watch my chat. Therefore I won't be adding random viewers anytime soon. Not saying I won't add more moderators in the future but if you are cool and a regular viewer who knows.... + **No links without permission** - Like I mentioned I have Nightbot so he will immediately delete links in chat for anyone who is not a Moderator or a Regular, but if you would like to show me something in regards to a discussion we are having I may permit you to post it, just ask first. Just be warned if you are trying to troll I'll throw the ban hammer at you.
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My work schedule changes sometimes but as of right now here is my planned streaming schedule: + Monday - Evenings (around 8 or 9 pm est) Weekends vary. + Thursday - Ladies Night Foreva' w/[Pimpsc00by]( We will dual stream so make sure to follow her as well! The best way to know if I'm streaming outside of my regular schedule is to [FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER](

My Emote Artist

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Click above if you wish to donate. It's never required or expected but it's always appreciated. +Shout out to FinalFlashZ for being my very first donation, you always remember your first! ;-) +Shout out to SimplyDaveC for donating the Mass Effect Trilogy +Shout out to ShouraiLive for donating the Steam game, Lucius