Profile banner for amryan



"If you are bad then I am your dad"

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# **Welcome to the AmCult™** I am Ryan, or Amryan, either works. I welcome you to The AmCult™ where I hope you'll find a safe haven to explore your true AmSelf™. Many consider me a leader and a savior, as I've used this small platform bring people to together creating a wholesome AmCommunity™. But truly, I'm just like any of you. Am just a humble millennial ally who loves gaming as much as delivering salvation to the weak and weary among us. I've been playing games since the days of cartridges, when the clunky black and white Gameboy first came out. But it wasn't until the PS2 that I truly became a ***GAMER***. Nowadays I love playing story-driven singleplayer games, FromSoftware games, MOBAs, and a handful of 4x strategy games like Civ6 and CK3. ## **Current Obsession: *Tower of God*** ## **Some of my interests:** >+ D&D >+ Anime >+ Gaming >+ Reading >+ Horror Movies
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C'mon, you all know the deal, right? My stream will likely feature cursing and mildly explicit content from time to time, but for real let's just keep it PG-13 okay? And for those of you who need to hear this: + No bullying or harassment + No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or hate speech of any kind + Just be chill and friendly, easy as that! P.S. Must bring up anime, film, or D&D at least once per stream for intensive discussions, please and thank you!
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# **List of Commands** >+ !ban >+ !bonk >+ !bop >+ !community >+ !devon >+ !discord >+ !followage >+ !hug >+ !lurk >+ !qotd >+ !sus >+ !wife
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# **Currently Playing** >+ Civilization VI >+ Helldivers 2 >+ Nexomon: Extinction >+ Marvel Snap >+ Predecessor
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+ Monday Mass + Tuesday AMfirmations™ + The Wednesday Word + Thursday Tithe + TAIF (Thank AmRyan It's Friday) + Weekend Worship Always subject to change. Times may vary. But I always post updates in the AmCult™ Discord beforehand! Feel free to join. <3
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# **The Rig:** >+ CPU: Intel Core i7-12700KF 3.6GHz >+ GPU: MSI GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8GB GDDR6 >+ MOBO: MSI Z690 >+ Memory: 16GB DDR5 4800Mhz >+ CPU Cooler: Dragon CPU 240 Liquid Cooling >+ Power Supply: Corsair RM 650w 80+ Gold
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Donations are appreciated but never expected by any means. Only consider donating if you like what I do, want to support the stream, AND can afford to do so. Always look out for yourself first and foremost, comrade!