Profile banner for amy_ren



amy_ren streams Dead by Daylight.

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[Luca/Rizzo90]( - Sub badges and Leia emotes [Cesela]( - Green dragon emotes [Teal Creations]( - Purple Dragon emotes/Hug emote/Lick emote and panels [Daflummify]( - Profile Picture
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I'm Amy, 28, English :) I've been playing DBD since 2016 and most of my hours have gone into killer. I like to play both killer and survivor, but my one true love is my legacy Trapper. My cute black kitty's name is Salem. He sometimes makes an appearance on stream! I stream on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, but often I will stream more than that! Any Inquiries can be sent to
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Don't actually press that. Special bit alerts at 69, 111, 112 and 113
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