7,6 tis. sledovateľov


Yo Apraxia here, but some call me anx. I’m a top osu! Tournament player so I stream that a lot, otherwise I’m streaming something random.

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osu! is a free rhythm game for the PC. You basically click the circles to the beat. If you wanna give it a try download it [here.](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/download)
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[click me](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/an_x) if you decide to support me, thanks. non-refundable obviously!!!!!!!! Thank you also for the bits, you can find the top bit dono's in the streamlabs extension. I truly appreciate all of you that have donated to me, i can't really keep up with them anymore to include them here, but trust me it blows my mind that some of you have supported me this much so thank you =)
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anxDeadpan anxYeehaw
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I am an osu! tournament player from Texas.
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Are you gay? nope