
Just a guy who loves playing games

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Hello everyone! I am grateful that you are here. I am someone who just enjoys to game and play with my dog in my spare time. I have a ton of hobbies although recent medical issues have limited me on ability to do these. My hobbies range from dabbling in playing music to building computers... You can also catch me off-roading, hiking, messing with photography, and much more. Feel free to chat with me on anything. As you may have gathers I have many hobbies... kinda a jack of all trades type of thing.
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Right now I'm going to be aiming for all week days. This will likely change once I get back to work. Also some days my current health wont allow me to stream so I apologize in advance if I miss a stream.
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At the moment all I would like is for everyone to be respectful. Lets have fun but not go overboard. If asked not to do something please don't. Lets list it to make it seem more official.... 1. Be respectful! 2. Have fun! 3. If asked to stop... please do!
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Uh... at the moment I don't care to much about this... just you hanging out and following is enough. If you do feel like donating, tipping, and/or subbing I won't arguing. My goal with this is to someday to have this be a thing where tips and donations are given to a random charity every month. Charity to be chosen with the chat at the beginning of each month. That is a ways down the road though.