Profile banner for angani_giza



I'm a dragony thing of some sort. Expect to see mostly Monster Hunter no-heal challenge runs here.


I stream primarily because I enjoy the games I play, and as such you can expect a fairly relaxed experience, although I also very much dislike backseating or even the smallest of spoils about games I'm playing. Am not much a fan of many of the extensions or of having graphics cluttering up the screen. No bit jar, or bars, or facecam, or banners or the like. Commercials will never be here (if I can control it at least), no matter how few or how many people watch. I hate seeing commercials when I watch things, and won't inflict that on others. Would encourage use of ublock origin or similar programs to block ads.


- !angsong to see my daily song recommendation. Something new every stream~ - !challenge to see rules of run - !ex to see what EX deviants we've done in GU - !games to see what entries we've run so far - !why for why I play like this in the first place - !dcss for info about my favourite roguelike that I occasionally talk about~


I have a discord now? It exists here and is perhaps a strange place. We mostly talk about monhun, share cute animal pictures, and have a more in-depth music channel than most places (I think). There's also quite a few people that enjoy hunting together and are rather helpful with others. [Discord](

Subs (why are you doing this)

Two emotes! Nom was done by Rosedoodles. Lick was done by UchiVsTheWorld. Both artists can be found on twitter. anganiNom anganiLick I don't really have much in the way of sub benefits either. Is appreciated when it happens, but don't expect much out of it? ^^;


Expect an excess of Monster Hunter across all the entries. Hollow Knight:Silksong is much anticipated, and I plan to take my no heal challenge and go in blind with it.


I'm mostly putting this here to go along with affiliate, but please please consider using your money for other more useful things first, should this cross your mind. Tips are appreciated but never ever required. [Tips here](

Other emotes

There's a few Khezu based emotes using BTTV, made by Sifyro and listed as free use for others. If you like them please go check out their work and such [here](


What's a schedule? If you wanna know when things are happening, I let people know in discord on any given day.


Seeing as I actually use this now, might as well link it. [Angani thing]( I don't tweet too often, but is generally going to be either music recommendations or random furry content ^^