


Howdy! I make comics and sometimes play games!

Hi there! I'm Angela Oddling, a cartoonist and illustrator from Western Pennsylvania. I'm the creator of the webcomic Detached and I love making comics and art about sad stuff, funny stuff, and growing up/being a huge dork. Sometimes I like to play old school platformers and story games on the channel, but for the most part we're doin' some art! Thanks for coming to hang out with us and I hope you enjoy your time here <3
Be kind and respectful to everyone, including myself! As long as you do that, you should be good to go. There is no tolerance for hate speech or harassment of any kind. No spamming please :^D!
If you enjoy my art and would like to support it while gaining some bonus content, feel free to subscribe to my Patreon! You'll get access to behind the scenes process, WIPs, and early access to my comics!