แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ aoreka

ผู้ติดตาม 906 คน


I'm a Photographer who loves a mix of toxic and positive! I love everyone even if you see me trolling, it's all love. I'm known for my hilarious fails, misfortunes and being a bestie. Feel free to hang out and join in!

I started streaming so I could capture just how much derp shit goes on when we game. It ended up being really fun and it makes me so happy that others can laugh at the failures and fun.
It's always fun to play with people who can laugh about anything and have good sportsmanship! Add me up if you ever wanna join in the fun!
I appreciate you caring enough to click here, anything is welcome. All Food money will go towards my daughter, cockatiels, my cats and my very healthy diet of Mcdonalds. :D
Q. When do you stream Currently at 7pm- 9pm streams are sometimes at 12pm depending on who i'm playing with, if that happens it's usually a double stream. I take a break on Thursdays and tuesdays unless I just feel like streaming. I have a daughter now so life is busy. Q. Why don't you use a camera. A. Mostly because I got tired of perv comments about my tits while fully covered, I want to be watched for me, because I'm either decent or terrible at what ever game. Q. When did you start playing games? A. When I was around 4-5 my mother got me a sega and I fell in love with sonic games, vector man, pac man, and other games. When I got older I played stuff like Quake and reloaded with mom. She's the coolest person. Q. Where did you meet your husband? A. We met on FFXIV while raiding and he ended up visiting me years later and afterwards I found out he was into me and we hit it off pretty well, now we're soulmates ♥
Here's a list of steam games I play. Steam and Non-Steam. Click for steam list MMOS - Final Fantasy XIV - Final Fantasy XI - Aion Online - Fiesta online - Legend of Edda - Eden Eternal - Prius Online - Scarlet Blade - Rift -------- Survival Games - Minecraft --- Other stuff - Fortnite - S4 league - Destiny 2 - DC Universe Online - League of legends - Dragon Nest -Heros of the Storm -D3

Socials n Stuff

I'm just as cringe on other platforms.