Záhlaví kanálu aoret

1,3 tis. sledujících


StarCraft II - Diamond League - Protoss

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# Stream Days & Times Wednesday ~7:00 pm PST/PDT - SC2 Ladder Saturday ~1:00 pm PST/PDT - SC2 Ladder
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#Me Hi, I'm Aoret. I'm a software developer living in SoCal. I love SC2, MtG, whisky, coffee, and code. #The Stream I mainly stream StarCraft II playing Protoss in diamond league. I keep things positive, and encourage others to do the same. Each stream I pick a [focus goal](https://twitter.com/search?q=%23SC2FocusGoals&src=typd) to work on, and do my best to ignore my W/L ratio :)
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# Why focus goals? Ladder win rates are 50/50 which can feel discouraging. Focus goals let us cheat by choosing our win condition. This encourages us to play more—the best thing we can do for our growth! # What makes for a good focus goal? - Easy to track success/failure - Very specific & small in scope - Difficulty is easily adjustable # How do you pronounce "Aoret"? either: Ayy - Or - Eht Ayy - Oh - Ret but not: Ow - Ret # Are those special glasses? They're gunnars. I used to think they were a silly g4m3r branded fad, but they really help me a lot. My eyes are really light sensitive though!
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