Banner de perfil en apexcris

7750 seguidores


VLX eSports member. iRacing & GT Sport. Used-to-be streamer and YouTuber.

About Me

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Hey, my name is ApexCris, but most just call me Chris. I'm a content creator on both Twitch and YouTube. I mainly play Destiny PvP, but you can expect to see me playing some Titanfall 2 and Overwatch on occasion.


As of May 16th 2017, i am offically partnered with Twitch. This if course means that you guys have the option to subscribe to the channel, and become part of the Guardians of the Galaxy! Other than awesome Guardians of the Galaxy themed emotes, you guys will also get exclusive access to the following: - Subscriber only Raffles for Trials of Osiris every week (Possibly other games going forward) - Subscriber only giveaways - Option to join my supporters clan, Guardians of the Galaxy v1 (Possibly v2 etc. in the future) - Access to a subscribers only Discord (Not yet available)


I am absolutely horrible with schedules, but i am working on making my streams more consistent, with atleast 3 scheduled streams per week, with more stream whenever i have time throughout the week. For now you can expect to find me streaming Overwatch Competitive on thursdays, with DeliriousJC: & DeadshotQueen. I will also be doing Subscriber only raffles in Trials of Osiris on Sundays. While non of my streams are 100% set in stone at the moment, you will definitely find my streaming atleast 3-4 times a week. I recommend following my Twitter for updates!


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I also make YouTube videos centered around Destiny. My content varies from Trials of Osiris highlights to gun reviews to general game discussion etc. You can go to my channel by clicking the image above!


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On my Twitter page i announce my streams and update when i upload on YouTube. I also ramble on about all sorts of random things like loot drops, how much i hate Thorn and more! For more shenanigans, make sure to follow me over there as it is the easiest way to get in touch with me! Clicking the image above will to you to my Twitter page.

Frequently asked questions

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Q: Where are you from? A: Near Copenhagen in Denmark. Q: Do you add viewers on PS4? A: Currently not. As much as i would love to add each and everyone one of you, i simply can't due to my PS4 freezing up when accesing my friend requests. Q: Do you ever play on Xbox? A: No, i don't currently have an Xbox. Q: Can i play Destiny with you? A: Yes and no. I do raffles all the time, both for private matches and Trials with viewers. You will have to enter a raffle to have a chance to to play with me.


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Donations are never required or expected, but if you wish to support the channel further, you can do so by donating! Donations will be used to save up for better equipment for both streaming and videos, and occasionally, help pay for rent and food. Clicking the image above will take you straight to my donations page Top donators: 3rdEden: $113 and a freaking $150 Scuf giftcard!! :O CLYONS89: $75 Cray_Z_Sn1p3r: $54,20 joker_da_noob: $50 Maritimuse: $28,34 TrySomeHD: $15,97 JayShawn: $15 starlite: $11 Aguynameddavid: $7 Coblalala: $5 YouDead123: $5 ShootToLoot: $5 Matty123gta5: $4,98 Anony9281: $2 trestial: $1,69 Codydestruction1: $1 GeoZany: $1