Profile banner for arbitrarysketch



Mid-level achievement hunter running an interactive channel. Hit the chat box and let's get a conversation going!

Panel Content
Hey there! I'm a mid-level Achievement Hunter, just here to have fun, be immersed, and to chat about games. Hit the chat box! This is an interactive channel and your input is invited, encouraged, and welcome!
Panel Content
1. No spoilers, hints, or backseat gaming 2. Don't troll, spam, or flame 3. Don't self-advertise

Guide to Lurking

Even though we prefer active chat, lurking is still accepted and appreciated. Just know that the streamer only gets credit for your viewership if: 1. The stream is playing 2. The stream is in an active tab 3. The video is not muted You can still lurk without sound by right-clicking the Twitch tab and clicking "Mute Site". Happy Lurking!
Panel Content

Stream Schedule

(All times PM, EST) Sun - Wed - Potential for random games Thurs - No Stream Fri - 7:10-10:40 D&D Mass Effect Sat - 3:00-8:00 Artemis Bridge Simulator

About Me

I love wolves, but ironically I'm a cat person. I am more or less a casual gamer, so you won't seem e speedrunning or competing at high levels. I like immersive games, good story, and tactical potential, but what I enjoy most about a game is a system of progress and accomplishment. I admittedly take myself far too seriously, which is something I am trying to work on. My logic has no setting between off and high. I love D&D and other tabletop games!


**Twitter:** [@ArbitrarySketch]( **YouTube:** [ArbitrarySketch]( **Email:** ArbitrarySketch (at) gmail (dot) com