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| Neurodivergent | Independent Rap Artist | Wishlist- | If my actions effect you negatively I encourage you to leave and not watch. (Mature 18+)

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Freestyle Sessions are uploaded here You can redeem a session using Oof Coins. Feel free to download anything you want to hold onto I delete and repost stuff all the time.
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1. 18+ Don't break TOS. 2. Ok Simple enough right. 3. Autistic, Adhd, High Anxiety. 4. We strive for 4/10 GamePleigh. 5. Enjoy the open minded topics.
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Go Follow my TikTok Mostly just opinions, comedy, and Learning Music.
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Click image to be a Pal and Paypal me a couple bucks. Thanks.
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Starting to implement Facebook go follow my account and let's start the growth.
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Merch to browse!!! I don't make much a couple bucks is a couple bucks. Grab you those OOF Sandals.