
Just a young Brewmaster tryin' to make it in the world (of Warcraft).

About Me!

My name is Ryan, but people in game and on Twitch call me Arty/Arrtyy! I'm an avid key pusher in WoW. I've been playing Brewmaster Monk since the day that Mists of Pandaria launched, so I guess you could say I'm a big fan of the spec. I do dabble in playing the other 5 tanks classes, though! Feel free to ask in chat if you have any tank questions (I love talking about tanks). As a warning, I rarely respond to chat while I'm in the middle of a key, so please bear with me! I'll try to respond as soon as possible.

Work in Progress!

My entire channel is still work in progress, guys. So, I'll have a few panels, but most of my stuff is very far from finished!