Profile banner for artificialdogma



DCS enthusiast and masochist. I blame my failures on Aussie ping. Funny, handsome, and a habitual liar.

Panel Content
#1. Show respect. >This includes myself, mods and other viewers. >There is a ZERO-TOLERANCE for unwelcome behavior. Show appropriate manners, or you will be removed. #2. No advertising (unless approved) >Do not advertise other streamers, products or services during the stream. This is not the place or time. Blatantly doing this will have you immediately removed. #3. Follow Mod instructions >We're here to have a good time, and you are welcome to participate in any way you want to. However, if a mod (or any viewer) respectfully asks you to stop a particular behavior, please oblige. >Repeated offenses of disrespecting other viewers will result in getting the boot. #4. No spam >Emote spam is fine. Do not spam questions or the same comments if they're not being answered. >This is probably because your question or comment is inappropriate, unnecessary or confusing. Keep doing it, and you're out. #5. No bigotry / sexism / racism >This should be pretty self explanatory. Deliberate behavior designed to upset others is a bannable offense. #8. English >Languages other than English welcome, but if it's suspected you're saying bad things in other languages I don't understand, your comments may be removed.
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