112 követő


hi i like retro and indie games

Panel tartalma
Panel tartalma
profile picture and sub badges made by the beautiful [batata_tchu](https://www.twitch.tv/batata_tchu) emotes made by the ever lovely [sarienova](https://www.twitch.tv/sarienova)
Panel tartalma
**games completed on stream** - Super Mario World (03/07/20)
Panel tartalma
**no bigotry** y'all know what this means. don't be a dick. keep politics/religion talk respectful. politically loaded questions asked in bad faith will result in a ban **no age talk, under 18s get instabanned** chat sometimes discusses mature topics. if you're underage, please act mature enough that no one suspects you of being underage **no self-promotion** self-explanatory. try to keep non self-promotion at a minimum too **no spoilers** no spoilers. i like to experience games as blind as i can, and i like the joy of solving puzzles. if i want a hint, i'll ask. no direct hints. no "clever" spoilers: they're never as clever as you think **mods = gods** mods are the final arbiters of justice. they are people whose judgement i trust. don't argue over their interpretation of the rules