Bannière de profil pour assorted_meeples



We are a group of friends who have made a serious effort to keep gaming in our lives. Whether playing board games, finding weird indie/retro video games, or taking part in a new tabletop RPG campaign, we’re passionate about the awesome memories, friendships, and creativity that gaming can build.

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**Here is our schedule as of January 25, 2021 (all times approximate and CST):** **Mondays:** Braden streams video games from 6:30 - 9:30 PM. **Tuesdays:** Braden streams video games from 6:30 - 9:30 PM **Thursdays:** Board game night runs from 6:30 - 9:30 PM. **Periodic Fridays:** Patron game night (**[$5+ Patrons](**) runs from 6:30 - 9:30 PM. We periodically play games at other times during the week too, but these are the times you'll be sure to find us. If you want to make sure to catch us outside our schedule, take a moment to follow us at the top of the page!
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Whether you're following us on Twitch, donating through our Patreon, or sharing our content with your friends and family, we sincerely thank you. Every bit of support helps us grow our audience, improve our equipment, and continue to put out the content you've come to love. **[Patreon:](** - Patrons can get access to a private Discord channel and extra content! **[YouTube:](** Our longer board game videos, Table for Two series, Unqualified Experts series, and additional video content can be found here. **[Facebook](** **[Twitter](**
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**Q: Do you use BetterTTV emotes in your chat?** A: Yup! Head over to [BetterTTV's website]( to download the extension for your browser, then you can use the following commands in chat: aniBlush confusedCat donkRioting elmoFire EvilKermit KoolDoge pikaOMG pressF REKT ThisIsFine **Q: What are [Unqualified Experts and Table for Two](** A: Unqualified Experts is a higher energy YouTube series where Shane and Braden deliver "expert" opinions and discussions on all things nerddom. Topics can range from D&D/Tabletop RPGs, board games, video games, and more! Table for Two is a YouTube series where Phil and his wonderful wife Heather play a wide variety of 2-player board games in a more relaxed setting. You'll find a nice mix of traditional and indie board games showcased throughout this series! **Q: What other projects are you planning for the future?** A: In addition to more episodes of Unqualified Experts and Table for Two on [YouTube](, we're exploring other projects for YouTube, and Shane's always adding more cool content to the [Assorted Meeples website](! This isn't everything we have planned either, so keep checking back in for our latest news! **Q: What types of board games do you stream?** A: Generally, we stream a few shorter games per stream (run time of 90 minutes or less) so people don't jump in halfway through something like Lords of Waterdeep or Stone Age and feel completely lost. Don't worry - we love these longer games too, and will periodically bring them out as well! **Q: What types of video games do you stream?** A: We all like different types of games, so you could come across pretty much anything on our video game streams. Retro games, indie games, strategy games, shooters; digital board games; all these and more will have a home here. Braden's also gotten into speedrunning Link to the Past randomizers, so he'll usually run at least one of those a week. His best time is currently 1 hour, 40 minutes, 4 seconds.
Contenu du panneau
We're a group of gamers who have been meeting for regular board game nights for the last few years and have been talking about streaming our shenanigans for the last few months. We started our journey with Twitch during October 2019, and have had a ton of fun bringing board games to your screens from the moment we started recording. Our core cast includes Braden, Shane, Phil, and Michael (Callahan), but we have a number of guests who periodically stop by, including Chris, Eric, James, PJ, and Ben to join in the fun! We've got a lot of cool stuff planned, but as we're starting out with a fairly low budget and little experience with Twitch, there are a few growing pains we're working through. A huge thank you to our followers thus far - we cannot thank you enough for your patience and support!
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**1. Don't be a jerk.** That's basically it. We have a zero-tolerance policy for racism/derogatory slurs, hate speech, harassment, and similarly offensive content. Beyond that, we're here to have fun and be ourselves, and we want you to feel free to do so as well.