Profile banner for atamanman



Deaaad streamer drawing

//////// About Me

Hello, I am ataruman(atamanman) After niconico and FC2 I started twitch streaming I do not do activities as a Pro at all I draw illustrations every day as a streamer. I guess


I can't stay survive under Twitch's new 5:5 revenue share rules If sub points drop below 100, I need to consider leaving Twitch Sub point is always displaying in top left of the screen I know nobody wants to subscribe to me anymore Enjoy my bonfire be fading Much love to current subscribers

//////// SPEC

OS: windows 10 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 x3700 MEM: DDR4 32GB GPU: Geforce RTX 3070 Software: photoshop CC 2019 Tablet: Intuos5 touch PTH-850 left hand: Xbox 360 controller

//////// LINK

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//////// CHAT RULES

I don't need any advice for my drawing :) Please respect streamer and chat mood. I don't like your egoistic smug face いつでも日本語で気軽にチャットしてください 作業中の作品は全部私の責任なので 至らぬところがあっても批評はやめてくだちぃ
Panel Content
Even 10 bits can makes streamer smile, I wanna believe viewers understands the meaning of Give and Take 😢