Profile banner for atomandevelyn



A talking cat and his mute scientist girl! Just learning how to stream, have fun, and make people laugh!

Panel Content
Q: Why does the cat (Atom) talk? A: Eve used her science to make it so he could! Q: Why is Eve mute? A: Born mute, it's psychological. She could, but chooses not to, make herself able to talk with her science. Q: Are you one or two people? A: We're OBVIOUSLY two separate people... but if, hypothetically, we were just characters on a screen, we'd both be controlled by just one person.
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##BG/Theme music: ##Model: Art: Rig: ##Emotes/Alerts: Motsiop Nemupyoi
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I don't have anything concrete really, but I typically stream 3 days a week at 7PM EST. Usually either Mon/Wen/Fri or Tue/Thur/Sat! Usually. I think.