Profile banner for austenxo



Hello new friend! My name is Austen and I’m your congested sounding acid bath princess of darkness here on twitch. My name out of drag is Troy, but I don’t mind if you call me either or on stream! I love being able to express my inner weirdo on my streams, so come in expecting a wild ride. xo.

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My names Austen, but Ms. Austen if you nasty. I am 23 (25) years old, and I stream 90% in drag. I play Dead By Daylight mainly, but a girl do like her some other games occasionally. My boy name is Troy, so I don't mind going by that or Austen. Come join the fam!
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NO SELF PROMO BE NICE No Negativity Don't Be Condescending Every Message No Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, etc :)
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Also if you would like to help a guy pay off his debt, my link is MERCH: ALL DONATIONS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE <3