Profile banner for awesomeguyd



(On Break 4 Awhile) Just a guy with sickle cell who likes to chill and enjoys playing some good ol games. Hopefully you enjoy your stay :)

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If you want to educate yourself about Sickle Cell.
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Just call me AwesomeGuy or AG anyways i'm 20 years old and before I say anything else excuse the monotone/softspoken voice or mumbling sometimes lol but i’m pretty chill for the most part. I also deal with a blood disorder called Sickle Cell Anemia so sometimes things are a little tough but I do what I can as far as streaming/content when I can.Lastly I love doing/making things where I can be creative or be inclusive with friends/community and in terms of interests I love anime,comics,fighiting game (even though they aren't always streamed) and wrestling. Hope you enjoy your stay!
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Hey I made a discord join if you want to chill with me and get notifications on when i'm going live or what's planned
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I'm chill about most things and give people the benefit of the doubt but some rules include: Do Not Spam Do Not Be Racist or Sexist Do Not Harass Anyone Do Not Self Promote Don't Really Want Too Much Political Talk No Homophobia or Negatively talk about someone's sexual preference. No spoilers or backseating please unless I ask for help. Honestly just kick back,relax,be respectful and have fun
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Hope to upload more here soon and also feel free to give me some ideas if you have any I appreciate them.
Panel Content other twitter is currently suspended for some unknown reason so until they respond to my appeal can't really use it but here's my 2nd one ig.
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If you just really WANT to donate here it is but I would prefer people to keep their money or if they did use it on me use it for subs and stuff since you get some cool emotes/badges and especially if you cannot afford it do not donate please, anyways at the end of the day even if you choose to donate it'll still be really appreciate it so thank you. (another thing to consider is you could also use you money for charity as well there are some cool charities out there for people's health/well being.)
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I do a fun wrestling show every now and then on WWE games around my friends and people in the community as the wrestlers it's usually on Sundays at 2 CST but if you want to catch up on anything it's here on this yt channel if you miss the streams for it (they get deleted after the show cause dmca)