Банер на профила за awkwards_travel

111,1 хил. последователи


Hey, everyone, we’re Tallulah and Gaspard ! We’re full time travelers!

Съдържание на панел

Bits List

100 - Hello! 101 - Bonjour! 102 - High Five! 103 - Well Well Well… 104 - Bad Feeling about this! 105 - It’s so pretty! 106 - Kitty!!! 107 - My kitty now! 108 - Can we be friends? 109 - Ouch! 110 - I tripped! 111 - That’s gonna hurt! 112 - Hype Train! 113 - All aboard!!!! 114 - Thank You! 115 - Awesome! 116 - Weird! 117 - Do it again! 118 - Never do it again! 119 - I have the best chat! 120 - I have the worst chat! 121 - JayStreazy 122 - Pretty (loud song) 123 - Voice of an angel! 124 - No way! 125 - I’m a princess ok!
Съдържание на панел
Hey, everyone, I'm Tallulah, full time traveller on Twitch! From the busy streets of Bangkok, the coastlines of Greece, to the bright lights of Tokyo, join me on my crazy adventure around the world!
Съдържание на панел
You can donate by clicking on the banner above or by following this ***[link](https://streamelements.com/awkwards_travel/tip)*** ***Donating is completely optional but GREATLY appreciated! Every single donation will help us continue to make unique travel-related IRL content and allow us to take the stream (and all of you) to new exciting destinations!*** You can also donates using ***Crypto*** by following this ***[link](https://1upcoin.com/donate/awkwards_travel)***
Съдържание на панел
Съдържание на панел
Съдържание на панел
Business/stream inquiries? Email us at awkward.tallulah@gmail.com