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663 følgere


Well, I'm an old guy and a crazy swede that just loving to play and just started to learn how to stream. So, don't expect too much fancy streaming stuff in this channel.

Naval Alliance is a group of streamers, Youtubers and content creators that supports each other. Other members of the NavalAlliance is: Captn_Honour | [twitch]( | [YouTube]( Navisinvictus | [twitch]( | [YouTube]( Renso26 | [twitch]( | [YouTube]( PSlack83 | [twitch]( | [YouTube]( DarkwingGlacier | [twitch]( | [YouTube]( DutchDelightsNL | [twitch]( | [YouTube]( AnlolairGhorm | [twitch]( | [YouTube]( Casual Captain | [YouTube](
Yeah... I have a discord server. Feel free to join if You like to: **The WoWs Randomizer has been discontinued since I don't have time to maintain it and WG public API is quite broken.** The latest version of my WoWs Randomizer is also found in my discord. Here is the download for that: [WoWs Randomizer](
#General commands !uptime How long has this stream been running? !stream Givest the title, the game played and number of viewers !lurk Tell the chat that You are going to lurk for a moment... !quote Gives a random quote. !points Displays the amount of loyalty points You currently have !give <username> <points> Give the user some of Your loyalty points. #Minigames !8ball <question> Ask a random question to the magic 8-ball and it will answer, yes, no or something more cryptic... !gamble <points> Gamble with Your loyalty points by rolling a 100 sided die
Yes, I'm on Twitter now... Don't expect too much of it. Don't know what to use it for or how to use it properly. But please follow... And yes. Unfortunately, the name "Axillent" was occupied by someone else so I had to use the @Axillent1 instead... ##Mastodon Yes, I'm on Mastodon as well: [Mastodon](
#Available ships in my port I have over 100 ships in my account on both EU and NA so, if You want to know if I have a perticular ship - just ask.
# Who Am I? Well, I'm an old guy and a crazy swede that just loving to play and just started to learn how to stream. So, don't expect too much fancy streaming stuff in this channel yet. I'm still learning and experimenting with how to do stuff. ##PLEASE NOTE!! Usually I get so absorbed in the game so I forget to read the chat! Don't get mad or think that I've forgotten You. I will catch up with the chat as soon as there is a slower time in battle or when I'm back in port. ## What games do I play? I play mainly World of Warships and Satisfactory. Sometimes a game of Overwatch or two. I used to play a lot of CS GO but since I'm not a very competetive guy, it fell out of interest for me. ### Question? Just ask and I'll answer if I can. ###Schedule? I'll stream whenever I feel like it but I try to at least stream every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I used to have Wednesdays as "Classical Wednesday ( where I play classical music), but my work schedule keeps me from doing that. Might have to move that to weekend. Fridays are usually the BeerStream and Sundays are a day for chill. Saturdays and Sundays, I usually play at NA together with Captn_Honour and AnIolairGhorm. We will provide a Kadgar link when that happens. ##Donate If You like to give a little help to keep this channel going - consider donate me a small amount! [Donate]( ##Computer Specs GeForce RTX 3060ti 2x16 GB DDR4 RAM Core-i7 5,0 GHz (CPU) 4000D Airflow Black (Case) 4TB SSD MAG Z590 TORPEDO (Motherboard)