Profile banner for aysri



just a noob streamer that rarely streams and when she does, she streams some sort of game

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A noob streamer and wannabe gamer girl. I usually play games with my lovely BF Wode. Currently playing: Outward, Overwatch, MHW, Fallout 76, and puzzle games. Schedule: Non-existent because I'm a full-time workforce ant. Other interests: Art, kpop, city pop, food, web comics, board games and probs a lot of other stuff ALSO STAN LOONA ;)
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Just don't be a douchebag and respect everyone plus TOS. Also I love lurkers cuz I'm a pro lurker. <3
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Profile pic: ttv/geekycaro Everything else: me :)
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Come say hi! And stay updated with my random streaming schedule (or lack of one lul). Plus super casual surprise mini streams.
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I appreciate all types of support :) Shoutout to [kentastic11]( for the mic! (No refunds, thx)