Profile banner for b0zuboy



Streaming so I can pretend I'm relevant and feel less lonely.

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BozuBoy Vibe Check - Be nice! - Swearing is fine, but don't be weird and creepy. - There is a time and place for edgy humour. Don't say anything that might cross boundaries. - Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, or any sort of hate towards any community or identity is not allowed. You don't need to understand something to respect it. - Don't talk about your age. If you are under 13, you are going against the Twitch Community Guidelines. - As much as possible, keep things in English. - Don't spam.
Panel Content
Spare some change and make a sad man less sad.
Panel Content
Where you can insult me directly and sometimes play with me.
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Watch videos of mediocre quality and question why I'm even trying.
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Look at me simp and try way too hard to be funny.